What are computers and their history?

3 min readDec 30, 2020

A computer is a device that can perform mathematical calculations very quickly by following specific instructions. The word computer comes from the Greek word “compute.” The word compute means to calculate. And the word computer means figuring device. But computers are no longer just calculators. A computer is a device that receives information and analyzes and presents it through various processes. At the heart of the development of civilization and its rapid progress at present is the strong influence of mathematics and computers. The first computer came to Bangladesh in 1984. [1]


In the prehistoric era, various attempts to invent computing instruments were considered as computer history. In ancient times, people used oysters, pebbles, rope knots, etc., to denote numbers. Although later calculations used various techniques and instruments, an old computing device called the Abacus was considered the first computer history instrument. [2] It was discovered in Babylon in 2400 BC. A calculator that moves the cocoon arranged in an abacus frame. Abacus was made in Egypt or China in 450/500 BC as a calculating instrument. In 1817, John Napier, a Scottish mathematician, used prints or cuts or bars to calculate. These bars are known as the bones of John Napier. In 1842, Blaise Pascal, a 19-year-old French scientist, invented the first mechanical calculator. He introduced the method of addition and subtraction with the help of toothed wheels or gears. The German mathematician Gottfried von Leibniz of 181 developed a more sophisticated mechanical calculator capable of multiplication and division using reels and rods based on Pascal’s instrument. He named the device Rechoning Machine. Later, in 1820, Thomas de Komer refined the Reconning tool and popularized the Leibniz instrument. The world’s first computer (ENIAC)Charles Babbage was the first to promote the idea of ​​building explicitly and using a modern tool in the early nineteenth century (which could only do mechanical, that is, mathematical calculations, without any kind of intelligence). He named it Difference Engine. While working with this different engine (in 1833), he came up with the idea of ​​a more advanced and universal device called the Analytical Engine. But he could not finish any work due to a lack of necessary equipment and money. The real beginnings of computer science came through Alan Turing’s theoretical and later practical research. From the middle of the twentieth century, the development of modern computers began. The invention of the microprocessor in 1971 led to the rapid growth of the microcomputer. There are many types of low-cost personal computers or PCs in the market. He has invented a variety of operating systems, program languages, numerous practical package programs. Along with this, there has been a massive expansion of computer networks and internet and related services and services. Countless institutional and non-institutional computer education and research institutes have been established and expanded to provide computer education. In recent times, computers and information technology or IT have occupied a large part of the business, and employment has mainly become computer dependent. [3]Microprocessor-based computers have been on the market since Intel Corporation of America invented the microprocessor in 1981. Since then, a great revolution has taken place in the shape and function of computers. IBM’s personal computer or PC came on the market in 1981. One by one, high-powered microprocessors were invented, and rugged PCs were created. Since the IBM company did not impose any restrictions on the development of IBM compatible computers initially, such computers’ price dropped drastically, and their use continued to increase. At the same time, along with IBM, Apple Computer Inc. released its invented Apple-Macintosh computer. But because Apple did not show any generosity in making their compatible computers, Macintosh computers’ price remained too high, which prevented Apple from gaining much popularity. However, due to some unique practical advantages, Apple-Macintosh computers were widely used in the printing industry.




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